Monday, March 24, 2014


We didn't realize that the numbers were actually different from just regular counting on our fingers! We learned just from this Google image. Its getting kind of hard to remember everything we have learned because we went through it so fast i think we will take today's time to test out  selves and relearn some things.

Monday, March 10, 2014


I began to realize when Kalei and I were signing, we would talk kind of too just like "oops haha that's not what I meant" and just phrases like that. Deaf people don't get to just talk while they are signing. For us signing is like a game, its something we enjoy doing for fun. I can’t imagine what it would be like to never really talk, and have sign language be your way of communication. I'm sure sign language isn't "fun" to people who have to use it everyday of their life to communicate. Deaf children who have deaf parents learn sign language like any other child would grow up learning there language. But have you ever thought about the children that don't have deaf parents, and there parents don't know they are deaf when they are born. For a deaf child with hearing parents who have no prior experience with ASL, language may be acquired differently. In fact, learned 9 out of 10 children who are born deaf are born to parents who hear. Some hearing parents choose to introduce sign language to their deaf children. Hearing parents who choose to learn sign language often learn it along with their child. Surprisingly, children who are deaf can learn to sign quite fluently from their parents, even when their parents might not be perfectly fluent themselves. Research suggests that the first few years of life are the most crucial to a child’s development of language skills, and even the early months of life can be important for establishing successful communication. So deaf people don't necessarily "have it rough" they adapt to there language just like we adapt to ours. 


If you would like to learn more information on the basics of sign language, feel free to watch this video :) She will take you step by step through the alphabet and make our job a little easier :p 

Demand Media Video -- powered by ehow.comrfg

Monday, March 3, 2014

Signing can be fun!

Signing can be fun for people of all ages!

        It doesnt have to be boring book work and repeditive memorizing. Even little tots can learn sign too without even realizing it. this webiste has fun games for little kids (that even us bigger kids can play too) Matching cards, consintration games, and fun sing-along songs.

Fun Day :)

Today kalei and i wanted to do something fun. We got tired of just learning signs so we decided to play a game!

Animal Memory Game
Everyone forms a circle and picks an animal. Then, you go around the circle and everyone signs their animal. The person starting the game (person #1) starts by signing another person's animal sign. The person whose animal sign person #1 signed (person #2) then signs another person's animal sign. So, not only do you have to remember your animal sign, you have to remember the animal signs of the other people in the circle! This is a great way to build animal vocabulary! 

This was a lot of fun i acually took it home and tried to teach it to my little brothers. There signing wasnt perfect but they got the idea and we had a lot of fun!