Monday, April 7, 2014

Is the key to success failure?

I define success not by a measurement or on a scale of 1-10, but by how I feel about what I accomplished within. Was it the best job that I could do, or could I have done better? What is one's success may be another's half-ass job. If I feel gratitude, satisfied, and accomplished, I feel as though i succeeded.

I have been successful in many areas of my life (or at least tried) but one that really stands out is in school.I have always tried to do my best in school and stay focused since I was a little kid. Hard work has payed off, and now I am a valedictorian for the class of 2014. I have been accepted into numerous colleges and received thousands of dollars in scholarships. I feel like everything I've done in school has payed off in so many different ways and I have truly achieved success. Using the momentum from high school, I'm definitely not stopping once I get to college.

"I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come."
Michael Jordan

Failure is what separates the good from the great, the average from the exceptional. It is not how many failures you have in your life but by how you handle it and let it define the next root you take in the path to success. Do you give up because you failed or let it be a reason to push yourself further? Failure is the driving force behind getting better, working harder and having the drive to be successful.

I have felt like a failure in track and field, specifically pole vault my sophomore year in high school. I just came off of a great rookie season and I saw no improvement in my sophomore year. I was so frustrated every meet and every practice that i felt like giving up. instead of letting that get to me and quitting all together, I went into my junior ready to work and make a difference. I ended up beating the school record that year and that became one of the proudest moments of my life. By not letting failure define me but instead drive me, I became more successful than ever.

"Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something."

                     Morihei Ueshiba

In Haylee's and I's genius hour project (sign language) I feel like I have had both success and failures. I have succeeded in remembering simple words such as dad, mom, the alphabet, eat, drink, sleep ect. I have struggled in putting together phrases and remembering how to make whole sentences. I need to start focusing on putting together phrases instead of learning separate works and we should start having more conversations using sign language. I will know if we have achieved success if i feel confident that i will remember most of what I have learned and if we can understand eachother in a conversation at the end of this project.

Success & Failure

Success is defined differently for each and everyone of of. For me success is as simple as making my friends and family smile. Success for others could be something bigger like beating an all time record in a sport. for me success is also long term like going to college to be a physical therapist. Success is that feeling of accomplishment when completing a goal, small or big.

I have been successful in life when it comes to overall happiness and making others happy. I have succeeded in school and athletics and I plan to succeed through college and all of my life until i am satisfied with all that I have accomplished. Having great relationships with my boyfriend best friends and family are great successes of mine, I cherish that.

I achieved these successes by knowing whats important to me. Its important to me to excel in school. Its important to me to grow up and have a very well paying job and have a great family and friends. The are basic goals i have set for myself to achieve and so far I have succeeded.

 I found this picture on this website. . It made sense to me because success isn't that difficult depending on the task you just have to try.

Failure is the lack of trying, if you don't try you wont succeed you will fail rather its a simple or complicated task. Failure could just simply be not saying hi to someone in the hallway that you walk past or it could be not getting a good grade on a test, it varies for everyone.

A time in my life I felt like a failure is when I got my first C in a glass it was Pre-calc and I was so hard on my self i stressed my self out and i gave up a lot because i mad it more difficult then it really was. I had a lot going on in my life during that time so I didn't tend to try my best i just completed it. I still am proud of my GPA but i do wish i could change the C.

I wasn't trying my hardest i was putting off the work and making other things my number one priority when homework should of been. I didn't try my hardest I and i know that now but I didn't care back then and that's what led to that failure.

I found this picture on this website . It made sense to me because if you don't try you fail and we don't try because we are afraid to fail.

Success influences my motivation to keep succeeding. And failure influences me a little less but still in a good way because if I fail i'm not giving up until I succeed.

Success is more of motivation to me then failure is. The more I succeed the more i want to succeed more. Failure brings me down and makes me not want to try again but it also makes me try harder if i do try because I'm not a person who gives up.

I have been successful in genius hour because i stay on task and we do our work and we make it fun to learn. So far we have had only success and we don't plan to fail but if we do we will try harder.

Monday, March 24, 2014


We didn't realize that the numbers were actually different from just regular counting on our fingers! We learned just from this Google image. Its getting kind of hard to remember everything we have learned because we went through it so fast i think we will take today's time to test out  selves and relearn some things.

Monday, March 10, 2014


I began to realize when Kalei and I were signing, we would talk kind of too just like "oops haha that's not what I meant" and just phrases like that. Deaf people don't get to just talk while they are signing. For us signing is like a game, its something we enjoy doing for fun. I can’t imagine what it would be like to never really talk, and have sign language be your way of communication. I'm sure sign language isn't "fun" to people who have to use it everyday of their life to communicate. Deaf children who have deaf parents learn sign language like any other child would grow up learning there language. But have you ever thought about the children that don't have deaf parents, and there parents don't know they are deaf when they are born. For a deaf child with hearing parents who have no prior experience with ASL, language may be acquired differently. In fact, learned 9 out of 10 children who are born deaf are born to parents who hear. Some hearing parents choose to introduce sign language to their deaf children. Hearing parents who choose to learn sign language often learn it along with their child. Surprisingly, children who are deaf can learn to sign quite fluently from their parents, even when their parents might not be perfectly fluent themselves. Research suggests that the first few years of life are the most crucial to a child’s development of language skills, and even the early months of life can be important for establishing successful communication. So deaf people don't necessarily "have it rough" they adapt to there language just like we adapt to ours. 


If you would like to learn more information on the basics of sign language, feel free to watch this video :) She will take you step by step through the alphabet and make our job a little easier :p 

Demand Media Video -- powered by ehow.comrfg

Monday, March 3, 2014

Signing can be fun!

Signing can be fun for people of all ages!

        It doesnt have to be boring book work and repeditive memorizing. Even little tots can learn sign too without even realizing it. this webiste has fun games for little kids (that even us bigger kids can play too) Matching cards, consintration games, and fun sing-along songs.

Fun Day :)

Today kalei and i wanted to do something fun. We got tired of just learning signs so we decided to play a game!

Animal Memory Game
Everyone forms a circle and picks an animal. Then, you go around the circle and everyone signs their animal. The person starting the game (person #1) starts by signing another person's animal sign. The person whose animal sign person #1 signed (person #2) then signs another person's animal sign. So, not only do you have to remember your animal sign, you have to remember the animal signs of the other people in the circle! This is a great way to build animal vocabulary! 

This was a lot of fun i acually took it home and tried to teach it to my little brothers. There signing wasnt perfect but they got the idea and we had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

An A for the day!

Today kalei and i are testing ourselves on our signing. They are pretty cool little fill in the blank and matching tests. Click here to try them out yourself.
Happy Signing :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

~Making Progress~

Today our conversation (signing) went like this:

Haylee: Hi, how are you?

Kalei: I am good, how about you?

Haylee: Do you want to go to the store today?

Kalei: Yes I do, are you going to drive?

Haylee: Yes, I will pick you up at 5:00.

Im sure a person who specializes in sign would have told us we did something wrong, or maybe if not been able to understand what we were saying because we were signing so slow, but never-the-less, we understood what eachother meant and that is progress my friends!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sign Language pt 2 ~Simple Phrases~

Now that we have basic words and communication down, we are learning Simple phrases today. 
  • " Whats your name"
  • "Are you deaf"
  • "Where do you work"
  • "Where do you live"
  • "How are you"
Kalei and I have definitely learned enough to communicate "fluently" without anyone knowing what we are talking about even though we are talking about how old are grandparents are and if we are deaf or not! There are some websites that have been a great help to us. 

We cant wait to learn enough to the point that we can actually say what we want to say not just " i like apples" and "my name is.." :) I have gone home and taught my little brothers words we have learned so we can communicate without my parents knowing!

Sign Language pt 1 ~Baby Steps~

   •Basic Communincation•

     Today we became a 9 month old baby in the eyes of sign language. We are learning the basic words such as: numbers, letters, mom, dad, hello, how are you, whats your name, how old are you, do you sign..... basic conversation starters. We both already knew the alphabet and just needed to brush up on our skills, but pretty much everything past that and the middle finger, is all new to us.

It's not that hard to find help videos and tutorials online, and thats how we are learning. Here are a few of the websites we are using to learn the basic words and small phrases